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AgriTech is becoming one of the most attractive sectors for entrepreneurs and investors. Ukraine grows more than 70% of crop varieties traded on the world’s stock exchanges and only about 10% of Ukrainian agricultural companies use innovative technologies, which makes it an ideal test site for agribusiness innovations and fosters interest among Ukrainian Farmers.

With all of its resource advantages, Ukraine should aim to advance an agri-tech cluster which would help advance the adoption of technical solutions, knowhow and services throughout the Ukrainian agriculture industry. Utilising sensors, drones, data management systemsandagritech is being poised as the emergent technology which could assist Ukraine in unlocking its full potential in the agricultural sector.


Having both the scale and capacity to develop solutions at a faster pace than others. With large farms needing to improve efficiency quickly, Ukrainians can test new solutions in numerous locations rapidly, thereby shortening the time from concept to commercialization. This makes Ukraine an ideal test site for agribusiness innovations and fosters interest among Ukrainian Farmers.


Now there are 70 AgriTech-startups in Ukraine on various stages of development and on different phases of activity. 


Ukraine has the fourth largest pool of ICT experts in the world, and despite having less than 1% of the world’s population, Ukraine boasts 6% of the world’s physicists, mathematicians and computational scientists.


Agri-tech is increasingly bringing together Ukraine’s IT specialists and engineers to work together in the thriving agricultural sector.Having such hight growth potential, it represents one of the greatest opportunities for current investment in Ukraine’s agricultural sector.

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